1. You must cancel the booking at least three days before taking the service and apply for a refund.
2. 5% charge is applicable for any cash refund. These charges are basically transaction and service charges which are non-refundable.
3. There is no charge for wallet refunds.
4. Cancellation charges may apply in two ways. a) Our prescribed cancellation charges, b) According to the partner's prescribed cancellation policy.
a) Our prescribed cancellation charge
Time --- Cancellation charge
10 days or earlier --- 5%
9-7 days --- 15%
7-3 days --- 45%
2 days --- 60%
Less than 2 days --- Refund not applicable
Peak season
Time --- Cancellation charge
20 days or earlier --- 5%
19-16 days --- 15%
15-13 days --- 45%
12-10 days --- 55%
9-7 days --- 75%
Less than 7 days --- Refund not applicable